FBI/PFI Futures Working Group
The Futures Working Group (FWG) is a collaboration between the FBI and the Society of Police Futurists International (PFI). Its purpose is to develop and encourage others to develop forecasts and strategies to ethically maximize the effectiveness of local, state, federal, and international law enforcement bodies as they strive to maintain peace and security in the 21st century. The intent of the FWG is to assist local, state, federal, and international law enforcement bodies as they maintain peace and security in the 21st Century. For more information on current and proposed FWG projects:
In 1991, the FBI Academy hosted the International Symposium on the Future of Law Enforcement. The symposium was attended by 250 criminal justice practitioners and educators from twenty nations. Those present voted to begin a professional association, PFI, dedicated to the future of policing.
PFI and the FBI have enjoyed a close working relationship. Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, it became clear that law enforcement professionals would need help with the complex and difficult issues that they will be facing. In response to this need, the FBI and PFI agreed to capitalize on their collective organizational strengths by jointly forming the Futures Working Group.
In February, 2002 the Futures Working Group had its initial meeting at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. During that meeting, an organizational framework was crafted and a research agenda was sketched out. The group became a reality on April 2, 2002 when FBI Director Robert Mueller and PFI President Gerald Konkler signed the Futures Working Group Memorandum of Understanding.
Improving Our View of the World:
Police and Augmented Reality Technology
Captain Thomas J. Cowper, New York State Police
Dr.Michael E. Buerger, Bowling Green State University
The purpose of this research paper is to provide the policing profession an introductory source document and overview of Augmented Reality (AR). Fundamental principles and components of the technology are examined, along with research developments occurring today that have the potential to directly enhance individual human performance through the augmentation of reality. The implications of AR and some potential applications for its future use as a law enforcement tool are offered. As a source document for police officers it does not present new scientific research or highly technical data. It is intended to provide a starting point for the development of practical and beneficial policing applications through the use of AR.
Complete article (PDF) 68 pages http://www.fbi.gov/publications/realitytech/realitytech.pdf
Points of Interest
FWG Home page: http://futuresworkinggroup.cos.ucf.edu/index.php FWG Members: http://futuresworkinggroup.cos.ucf.edu/members.php
Points of Contact
Joseph Schafer, Ph.D.
PFI President, 2006-2007
Center for the Study of Crime
Southern Illinois University
[email protected]
Dr. Bernard Levin
Vice Chairman, FWG
Blue Ridge Community College
& Waynesboro, VA P.D.
(540) 453-2228
[email protected]
FBI: Mr. Kurt Crawford Media Representative FBI Academy Quantico, VA (703) 632-3186